Gastric Bypass
Bariatric/Obesity Surgery
Gastric bypass surgery is an operation that creates a small pouch to restrict food intake and bypasses a segment of the small intestine. In the gastric bypass procedure, a surgeon makes a direct connection from the stomach pouch to a lower segment of the small intestine, bypassing the duodenum (the first part of the small intestine) and some of the jejunum (the second part of the small intestine), delaying the mixing of ingested food and the digestive enzymes.
Roux-en-Y gastric bypass is the most common type of bariatric surgery. The surgeon begins by creating a small pouch by dividing the upper end of the stomach. This restricts the food intake. Next, a section of the small intestine is attached to the pouch to allow food to bypass the duodenum, as well as the first portion of the jejunum. The small intestine is re-connected 150 centimeters from the pouch to allow ingested food and digestive enzymes to mix.
For super obese individuals, a BMI over 45, gastric bypass is often recommended. Gastric bypass is preferred because it produces slightly more weight loss on average, and it creates ‘dumping syndrome.’
Super obese patients often have eating disorders and long standing love/hate relationships with food. Because gastric bypass creates ‘dumping syndrome’ the patient is negatively reinforced with nausea, sweating, and a general ‘ill’ feeling shortly after they eat sweets or large amounts of carbohydrates. This helps reduce binging and limits high-carbohydrate foods.
However, many surgeons are finding that gastric sleeve surgery is also very helpful with super obese patients. Ever wondered how much is gastric bypass surgery? Contact us today to find out more.
Could I please have a quote for gastric bypass surgery
Thanks for your enquiry, we can definitely help you arrange a quote. If you can complete the medical form we can send this on for a personal quote and assessment for you. Any questions please ask. Thanks
Can I please have a quote on a gastric bypass.
I had a gastric band put in, in 1997 and then taken out 18 years later.
Hi Davina, thanks for your comment, we would love to help you arrange a quote for a gastric bypass. If you can please complete the medical form here, we can send this off for you to obtain a personal assessment and quote. Any questions just let us know. Thank you
Does your bariatric surgery team perform the Restorative Obesity Surgery Endoscopic (ROSE) procedure?
I had a gastric bypass in 2004 and have slowly put weight back on. I have been reading about the success rate of the ROSE procedure to reduce the size of the gastric pouch and stoma through the patient’s mouth without making any external cuts to the body.
Hi Mattie, thanks so much for your enquiry. We can definitely help with bariatric surgery. I will send you an email on how to get started and any questions from there just let me know. Have a great week.
I’m after a quote for a gastric bypass in Bangkok
Thanks Nicky, we can definitely help with that. We have sent you some information on pricing and how to get started with a quote. Any questions please let us know. Thank you
Price please on gastric sleeve/ bypass
Thanks Wendee we have sent you some information today. Look forward to hearing from you
Require a quote for bypass surgery please
Thanks Scott, we have sent you the information you need to arrange this. Have a great day.
Hi I am after advise for a revisited weightless surgery, it has been recommended for the Rose, type weight loss surgery, I have a BMI of 31.9 ,and have obesity health issues and a family medical history of diabetes, high cholesterol and hypertension, heart disease in family but not me so far and stroke history in family. Please inform me of a holiday type package and best dr overseas preferably in Thailand at a high grade, hospital.
Thank you, we have emailed you some information. Have a lovely day
P.s. I have had 2 weight loss surgeries already so am looking for a better by pass type surgery i have reflux issues also, hence suggestion was a bypass .
Jenni s
Thank you we will send you some information on how to get started with this.