Prominent Ear Correction (per ear)- (B9H). This procedure places prominent ears closer to the head and/or reduces large ears. It is a popular procedure, as prominent ears are very obvious and can cause embarrassment. Anyone can have this procedure once ear growth is complete, from 4 years old onwards.
Prominent Ear Correction (both ears)- (B9H). This procedure places prominent ears closer to the head and/or reduces large ears. It is a popular procedure, as prominent ears are very obvious and can cause embarrassment. Anyone can have this procedure once ear growth is complete, from 4 years old onwards.
Pro Yellow (Rosacea (diffuse facial redness), unsightly pigment lesions, brown spots, vessels, telangiectasias, erythema post-acne - (RTC). A laser approach more specific to help with anti-aging, skin discolouration, melasma, deeper pigmentation and blemishes, sunspots, freckles, wrinkles, sun-damage, rosacea, teen acne, acne scarring and more.