Tummy Tuck (4D/3N Hospital Stay) - (RTC). Tummy tuck surgery, also known as abdominoplasty offers several different tummy tuck techniques. Both women and men are appropriate candidates for tummy tucks.
Underarm Bulge Removal (Armpit Fat) - (RTC). Underarm surgery is more commonly known as an arm lift. This procedure tightens loose, sagging skin and removes excess fat deposits in the upper arm that develop with age or significant weight loss.
Upper lip reconstruction - (RTC). Upper lip reconstruction with remaining lip tissue can provide superior results in terms of lip appearance and function in smaller lip defects.
Vital Skin Booster + PURE PRP. (RTC) Designed to give intensive nourishment and hydration. Pure PRP is a platelet rich plasma preparation that contains highly concentrated platelet growth factors with reduced red blood cells.
Vital Skin Booster + PURE PRP - (RTC). Designed to give intensive nourishment and hydration. Pure PRP is a platelet rich plasma preparation that contains highly concentrated platelet growth factors with reduced red blood cells.