Z-Plasty. Adem & Havva Turkey. A surgical technique used in reconstructive surgeries for scar revision and contracture release. This technique alters the direction of a scar so it aligns better with natural skin folds and relaxed skin tension lines.
Underwater Traction (MET) Uses the weight of the body, which is suspended by the neck (and below the armpits if necessary), in a special pool of thermal mineral water.
Tissue Expanders Placement - Turkey. The tissue expander is inserted beneath the muscle in the chest wall muscles, where it is positioned within a pocket of tissue.
Pilates - Individual - 20 Sessions (MET) Pilates is a form of low-impact exercise that aims to strengthen muscles while improving postural alignment and flexibility.
Pilates - Individual - 10 Sessions (MET) Pilates is a form of low-impact exercise that aims to strengthen muscles while improving postural alignment and flexibility.
Peloid Bath (MET) Stimulates tissue renewal. The bath fragrant relaxes, reduces the feeling of leg weight, leaves the skin perfectly moisturised and smoothed.