This package contains tests that tell you a genertic and exercise profile to see how you react to specific types of food and exercise. It provides insights into how your body may process sugard, fats, nutrients, and vitamins. This may help people with weight management, increase mental and physical performance and maximize energy and disease prevention.This health check is recommended for men or women of any age. Please refer to the attached document URL for full details on health checks and Health check options offered at Chaum.
The Anti-aging check-up measures your biological age by evaluating your mineral balance, metabolism system and immunity related to aging process. It is 2 hours and is performed in a Private VIP room (Cell Private-Hive) equipped with state of the art diagnostic equipment. Please refer to attached brochure for more details or discuss with your TaqTk advisor.
The Anti-aging check-up measures your biological age by evaluating your mineral balance, metabolism system and immunity related to aging process. It is 2 hours and is performed in a Private VIP room (Cell Private-Hive) equipped with state of the art diagnostic equipment. Please refer to attached brochure for more details or discuss with your TaqTk advisor.
This health check includes examiniations in the following: Anthropometry, Eye exam, Blood test, Specimen, Gastroenterology, and Respiratory. Males will have an additional Circulatory exam (Pulmonary function test) while women will have Mammography(over35yrs), Gynecologic examination (PAP). Please refer to the attached document URL for full details on all health checks and options offered at Samsung Medical Center Health Promotion Center.
Breast augmentation is also known as breast enlargement. It involves the placement of silicone or saline breast implants under or above the chest muscle. Breast augmentation is usually done to enhance the size or shape of breasts or to balance a difference in breast size. This creates a cosmetic enhancement.
A forehead lift, also called a brow lift, is a procedure that removes excess tissue, alters muscles and tightens the forehead skin. This procedure may be performed using the traditional technique, with an incision across the top of the head just behind the hairline, or with the use of an endoscope, which requires three to five short incisions