Laparoscopic Sleeve Gastrectomy (CMQ) The sleeve gastrectomy, by reducing the size of the stomach, allows the patient to feel full after eating less and taking in fewer calories. The surgery removes that portion of the stomach that produces a hormone that can makes a patient feel hungry.
Nevus, Cyst, Lypoma, Papyloma, Wart Excision - Small (CMA) Many of these growths can be either unsightly, or bothersome and consequently may require removal.
Tummy Tuck Circumferential (CMA) A circumferential tummy tuck is more extensive than a full tummy tuck. Therefore, it is usually performed on patients who have lost a great deal of weight (usually after gastric bypass surgery/bariatric surgery) and now have loose, overhanging skin.
Calf augmentation is a surgical procedure to enhance the appearance of the leg. It usually involves placing an implant or made of silicone over the muscles along the calf or a fat transfer to the calf, from another part of the body.