Profession: Navy Officer
Age: 32
Country: Australia
Procedures: Liposuction to Chin, Arms, Abdomen, Back, Buttocks, Thighs, Knees and Mini Tummy Tuck
Cost of holiday: Approximately $14,500 inclusive of surgery, hospital stay, 5-star accommodation for 22 days; all care and transfers on the ground in Malaysia. Cost of just the procedures at home $35,000

From a tomboy navy officer to a hot babe! Emma turned the tables on the man who once called her “fat and ugly” by losing immense weight and getting bodylift surgery!









This is her story:

Turning the tables

Growing up, I participated in lots of sports and dancing and even did modelling for a while, so I was pretty fit and had a positive self image. 

After a break up with my boyfriend who dumped me “because I was too fat” (I weighed 70kg and am 168cm tall) in 1999, I started piling on weight. In 2001, I decided I needed a new start on life – so I lost around 17kg and joined the Navy. In 2004/2005 the weight all came back due to a lack of exercise and lack of self confidence and motivation left over from my ex boyfriend. I have remained single for over 7 years now.

In early 2005, I had a life changing experience when I spent nearly 4 months in and around Indonesia after the tsunami. I saw and experienced things I could never have imagined. When I returned from this deployment I knew I had to make big changes in my life, but it took me a while to get my head around it all.

I didn’t like who I was, what I was becoming and knew I would remain single and unhealthy if I didn’t start looking after my body. I started walking regularly, resumed my old passion for tap dancing, took up belly dancing and even pole dancing! I joined Weight Watchers and a local gym to get myself in optimum shape for surgery.

I know that having a bit of a nip and tuck won’t suddenly transform me into a hot babe, but I think that coupled with my sense of achievement from my weight loss and a more positive self image, I will be more comfortable in being able to “put myself out there”. 

The surgery will finish off all my hard work and will give me time away from the stresses of my job to reflect on what I have accomplished for myself and what I hope to strive for in the future.

I’m so proud of what I have achieved in my life – personally and in my career. I’d like to be able to show other young women that you can turn around hardships and adversity and make them into positives, and that you can have the body you want with lots of hard work first then a holiday on the side with GG to tidy up!

A life changing experience

Everybody has commented on how I look after surgery. I had such a great experience and every day I can look in the mirror and see positive changes to my body and I know that my self esteem is growing as my body is shrinking! 

My mum is very impressed with the whole set up and keeps marvelling at how fast my body is healing and changing. I know she was a bit aprehensive at first, but I think because she saw it all for herself, that she will be a positive ambassador of surgery holidays like me!

The chance to show people what they can achieve and prove to them that it can be done inexpensively and safely would mean a lot to me. I’m not emabarrased that I was overweight, or that I have had cosmetic surgery. 

I am proud that I have achieved a significant weight loss and that I have done this for myself to make ME happy. Maybe that sounds selfish, but if I don’t take care of number one – who will?! 

Everything I have been through since gaining the weight then subsequently losing it is a part of me, it has helped make me into the person I am today and it should be celebrated. Now I’ve got it, I’m going to flaunt it!

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If you would like to speak to Emma or other clients please contact us at GORGEOUS GETAWAYS.