Profession: Public Servant
Age: 43
Country: Australia
Procedures: Breast Lift and Augmentation, Tummy Tuck, Liposuction to Abdomen, Thighs and Buttocks
Cost of holiday: Approximately $14,000 AUD, inclusive of surgery, hospital stay, 5-star accommodation for 21 days; all care and transfers on the ground in Malaysia. Cost of just the treatments at home $35,000 AUD+

Karen’s result is testament to what a cosmetic nip and tuck can do.



This is her story:

Fat fairies to the rescue
The thought of cosmetic surgery first came to mind after losing a considerable amount of weight (40+kg) – everything was heading south. I was always a big girl and never really happy with my appearance but I remained unhappy with the way I looked despite losing a lot of weight. 

When my husband and I came into some unexpected money, we kind of joked about the idea of what we could do with the money, including plastic surgery. I have always been unhappy with the spare tyre I was carrying around my tummy. I used to stand in front of the mirror and lift my excess skin on my tummy and wish that one morning I would just wake up and the fat fairies would of come and taken it all away… Well, it happened – thanks to GORGEOUS GETAWAYS and the fabulous Dr Tan. 

The apron of skin I had after losing weight could never have disappeared with excercise, so cosmetic surgery was my best option. Cosmetic surgery in Australia was way too expensive, so after seeing GORGEOUS GETAWAYS in the media, I decided to investigate more using the internet. 

I sent an enquiry form through and quickly recieved a response with a discounted quote for multiple procedures, with the Dr of my choice (there were several to choose from). I then accessed the GORGEOUS GETAWAYS website to review the Drs feedback, experience and credentials as well as before and after pics and case studies. I decided on Dr Tan, as I was impressed with his training in this field and his expertise in this area as shown in the before and after photos.

I was nervous prior to travel. The normal thoughts, I guess of anyone having cosmetic surgery whether abroad or in their hometown – how will I look, complications, pain etc. I made several calls to Robynne, my GORGEOUS GETAWAYS sales rep, who was fabulous. Having had cosmetic surgery herself, Robynne was able to reassure me that my feelings were normal, and assured me that GORGEOUS GETAWAYS provide a strong support network and strive to ensure that the overall surgery experience, from the moment you step of the plane until you leave to come home, is a positive one.

Dr Tan is a very professional surgeon, as are all GORGEOUS GETAWAYS representatives. It was a great feeling to know that the GORGEOUS GETAWAYS staff visited me in hospital, come to my hotel room daily to check if all is ok or anything is needed. 

What a wonderful surprise to be treated to a dinner at a restaurant the night before my surgery, where we met other GORGEOUS GETAWAYS clients who were also having or had surgery. This provided a great opportunity for everyone to share their experience and set some fears to rest. 

While I was overseas my mother passed away, I cannot express in words how thankful I am for the understanding and support from all of the staff at GORGEOUS GETAWAYS and Dr Tan, to assist me in getting home as soon as possible, I even received a personal call from the General Manager.

Looking back on our intial meeting, I would have liked a more lengthy, informed consultation, and in hindsight I should have asked a lot more questions, as I believe I would have gained better results with a more aggressive breast lift, than the one I received.

I have expressed this dissatisfaction and concern to GORGEOUS GETAWAYS since my return, and they have been very supportive and understanding in this matter. We have been able to work together to reach an agreement suitable to both parties; for me to return early next year for a corrective breast lift surgery procedure to ensure a longer lasting result.

I was discharged 2 days after surgery, minimal pain I have to say regarding the tummy tuck and breast lift and augmentation, but expect some pain with the liposuction. Wasn’t long and the pain of lipo had settled down, and the holiday begun. Dining out, fish spa, sight seeing. OH and the shopping was wonderful – Chinatown markets is a must do if you love to pick up a bargain – haggle till it hurts, ladies!!

Finding ‘me’ again 
Absolutely love my tummy tuck and lipo; I am able to wear clothes I used to only dream of wearing, and even wear a bikini. The scar from the tummy tuck is nice and low, and cannot be seen when wearing knickers or bikini bottoms, that was very important to me. 

This surgery has given me the confidence to walk with my head held high. I love clothes shopping now. I got my mojo back and as I said earlier my wish to the (fat fairy) to remove my excess skin came true, and I will never look back. When people comment on how fabulous I look, I say its amazing what a nip and tuck can do. I recommend GORGEOUS GETAWAYS to everyone – they are affordable, professional and personal. Their customer service and continued interest is second to none – not only before but also after surgery, long after you return home.

If I could share some tips they would be:

  • Before arriving for surgery, write down your concerns on a pad, so you can address them at your consultation, because you may be nervous/anxious/excited and may not remember to ask everything you want to.
  • Do your own research, be confident in your choice of surgeon – prices differ slightly, but compared to the cost of surgery at home, this is neither here nor there.
  • Don’t listen to negative feedback at home regarding overseas cosmetic surgery, because their are surgical risks no matter where the surgery is performed.
  • If you’re having lipo, expect excessive swelling for sometime. I had massive swelling for about 3 weeks, maybe a little more.

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If you would like to speak to Karen or other clients please contact us at GORGEOUS GETAWAYS.