Profession: Nurse
Age: 40
Country: Australia
Procedures: Breast Augmentation
Cost of holiday: Approximately $5,800, inclusive of surgery, hospital stay, 4-star accommodation for 14 days; all care and transfers on the ground in Malaysia. Cost of just the treatments at home $9,000 – 13,000

After years of verbal torments from her ex-husband about her body, Maria finally had the last word – with her brand new boobs!





This is her story:

In the hands of a merciless ex 
I was married for 17 years, and my ex always commented on my weight gain after the kids were born. My breasts were small to start with but after children they basically disappeared especially when I tried to lose weight. Losing weight made me feel good in one respect but then I felt less of a woman because I had no breasts – this was a double-edged sword for my ex’s ammunition to taunt me with – either fat or boobless among other things.

In 2006, the same year my father died and the same year I found out I was adopted and the same year I fell pregnant with our third child. In fact, two weeks after I found out I was pregnant with our third, my husband left me for a younger, skinnier woman (with no kids). For the last two and a half years, I’ve been pulling myself together trying to look after a baby and two teenagers; dealing with divorce issues, adoption issues, moving house and looking after an elderly mum.

Now I feel it’s time for me to live a little and feel good about me. I wear the biggest padded bra I can find in order to hide the fact that my breasts are hardly there. I am very conscious of the fact that if I bend over or if the t-shirt shows too much cleavage, it’s very noticeable that it’s mostly padding. I have been reluctant to get intimate with anyone else because I can’t bear the thought of what I look like without a bra. I stay about 8-10kg overweight to compensate because if I lose more weight, the bra will end up around my neck!

I felt I can lose the weight naturally but I can’t do anything about the boobs myself and I wanted to start looking and feeling better about myself. As I have a baby and two teenagers and have no one to babysit, I had to give up my full time work (for the time being) and am a full-time mum.

Doing something for me 
I looked around in Australia for breast augmentation and the going rate is around $12,800 for a plastic surgeon I saw in Perth and around $9,200 for a cosmetic surgeon. I simply couldn’t afford that at the moment. I looked at many websites and I found that GORGEOUS GETAWAYS looked and sounded the most professional and the prices look good too. Not to mention the resume of the surgeons were very impressive as were their patient photos.

With the cheap flights to KL from Perth, it meant I could have my surgery and bring the kids along for a holiday too. It made the trip even easier to plan for. Going away for the surgery meant I could take it easy after surgery; we ate out and we had someone coming daily to tidy up and make beds- no housework or meals to worry about. I only told one person back in Perth about my surgery holiday and that was the kids’ uncle – in case something happened to me the kids had someone they could contact who knew what was going on. That was the only reason I was nervous.

Pleasantly surprised 
Rosalyn, the GORGEOUS GETAWAYS staff member who greeted me and the kids was wonderful, as were all the staff. I was happily surprised at how good the hospitals were and how professional and lovely Dr Tan was. I was tearful just before surgery as I was worried about my kids. Rosalyn reassured me that nothing was going to happen to me and that she would let them know what was happening and pick them up on the way to see me at the hospital the following day.

I was also very pleased when I met my anesthetist, she had a very calming presence and made me feel safe. I could have been discharged that day, but decided to stay overnight to avoid my 2 yr old jumping on me straight after surgery.

So the next day Rosalyn brought all the kids to the hospital and I was discharged. I overdid it that day because as soon as we got to the hotel we went out shopping and didn’t return till midnight. I felt it the next day- so I stayed home all day and by the following day, we were out shopping again. 10 days went very quickly but I was glad to be going home (mostly because we spent all our time out and about) and I needed a rest.

Relishing my confidence booster 
I feel extremely happy with my new look. I now have the drive to lose the final 10kg. I didn’t want to go huge in my breast size, I just wanted to feel normal, and I do. If I had gone bigger, I think I would have been self conscious for the opposite reason so I’m glad of the size I chose and I believe once I’ve lost the excess kilos, I will be perfectly in proportion. I have tried on everything in my wardrobe and everything with cleavage looks fantastic now. I am much more confident in myself and I’m sure it’s showing.

Research your doctor and hospital so you’re happy with what you get. Make sure you have an idea of what size you want to go. If you have time on your side, plan to get there a few days before surgery rather than the day before. The main benefits of choosing GORGEOUS GETAWAYS was their immensely friendly and professional service. I would definitely recommend them to anyone.

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If you would like to speak to Maria or other clients please contact us at GORGEOUS GETAWAYS.