Meet Dr. Jagjeet Singh – Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia

University of Alberta, Canada. Member of ASPS, OSAPS.

Dr. Jagjeet Singh, better known as Dr. Jag is one of Malaysia’s leading plastic surgeons. He has a reputation for producing beautiful and natural-looking results through his state-of-the-art techniques.

Dr. Jagjeet obtained his medical degree from her medical degree from University of Alberta, Canada. He further obtained his fellowships in reconstructive and cosmetic surgery in Seoul, Korea. Dr Jagjeet is also a member of the American Society of Plastic Surgeons (ASPS) and the Oriental Society of Aesthetic Plastic Surgery (OSAPS).

Dr. Jag is well known for his very approachable and friendly personality, resulting in strong patient confidence in his procedures. He believes that patient education and understanding of his procedures are key to his success, with consultations frequently being more than an hour long.

Dr. Jag values every patient he works with and stresses the importance of safety and high standards. With more than 10 years of working experience, he is a fully licensed plastic surgeon achieving every level of qualification required to practice in Malaysia.

Dr. Jag, a Consultant Plastic Surgeon, not only takes pride in his craft but believes that each surgery he performs is an art form in itself. He is passionate, conducts his practice with integrity, and embarks on creating long, lasting relationships with his patients.

Dr. Jagjeet’s Work

Dr. Jag is practiced both reconstructive surgery and cosmetic surgery. He specializes in Breast Augmentation and body contouring procedures and is considered an expert in these fields. He is frequently invited to speak on breast augmentation and train other plastic surgeons. He has also made several appearances on national TV and radio shows and continues to promote safe and ethical surgical practices to the public.

Dr. Jag is also committed to helping the community by setting up the first-ever plastic surgery department in Klang. He is credited with setting up the first burns injury unit in a private hospital in Klang. Part of his work here is dealing with burns injuries, trauma, and all scopes of reconstructive surgeries.

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Our Patients Savings Plan offers you interest from 5% to 7% on your deposited savings towards any procedure in any of our preferred destinations.   And it also includes recovery homes and guest houses that are part of the program.  So if you do not have a destination yet in mind, or are still unsure of your surgery date, you can start earning interest from now on. Go ahead and fill in your request: Click Here.