Profession: Teacher
Age: 59
Country: Australia
Procedures: Breast Augmentation
Cost of holiday: approx $5,800, inclusive of surgery, hospital stay, 4 star accommodation for 10 days, and all care and transfers on the ground in Malaysia. Cost of just the treatments at home $10,000

Rae enjoyed her results so much, she booked herself another ‘self-esteem booster’ holiday.



This is her story:

To regain some self -esteem
I had for years contemplated implants but never felt I really needed to change my appearance. I have always kept fit and in good physical condition and was often complimented on my slim figure. However with age comes a loss of body tone and I felt it was time to do something to improve myself.

I have always had small breasts and been self conscious about it. Then after a recent stressful period in my life, I had lost a lot of weight. This was especially noticeable around my bust. Though I was able to regain some of the weight, my breasts just stayed small and had begun to sag. 

I chose this because I wanted to improve my shape and self-esteem. I was also impressed especially by the cost and the opportunity to have a holiday in KL with my husband.

I didn’t tell friends or family as I didn’t want them to worry. I was nervous prior to arriving but I knew that if I wasn’t completely comfortable with everything when I arrived, I was under no obligation to undergo the surgery and could just enjoy our holiday.

I had previously looked at surgery in Australia but disregarded it mainly due to the high cost. For less than the cost of the procedure in Australia, my husband and I had a great holiday in a beautiful city as well.

Complete reassurance and support 
As soon I met my service manager, I felt more relaxed in my decision. The surgeon, nurses and other support staff were all so professional and attentive that I knew I had made the right decision to have my surgery with GORGEOUS GETAWAYS. The accommodation at the Lanson Place was like a little apartment within a hotel with all the benefits of both. We were very comfortable there.

I slept for most of the day after the procedure and was reassured each time I woke to see either my husband or my service manager there making sure I was OK.
Next day, I was rearing to go and was taken back to the hotel.

I spent a couple of days resting in the room. I had surprisingly little pain considering the size of the implants and was immediately happy with the results. I didn’t enjoy sleeping on my back but that was a minor inconvenience in comparison with the benefits.

We were soon going for walks to the city center, shopping, visiting tourist sites (we loved the Aquaria)and finding lots of great places to eat.

I was fully supported by the staff and loved the social lunches, afternoon teas and excursions with the staff and other patients.

Gushing over my super results and holiday 
When it was time to go home, I was excited about wearing great, new low cut clothes and waiting to see how long it would be before someone asked me what I had done.
When I explained to my 8 year old grandson why he need to go careful with his rugby-tackle hugs, he said “That’s so cool, Nana! You’ve got new body parts.”

Ï have never regretted surgery in any way. I feel better about myself and love the new clothes that I can now wear. Low and fitting tops look so much better. Buying new bras in the adult section is a treat!

Part of the fun was watching how people reacted to my new figure. Instead of telling people, I waited for them to ask or comment. Everyone was supportive when they finally got up the nerve to ask and I told them about my super holiday.

I was so happy with the quality of the surgery, the professionalism and friendliness of the staff that I have booked in to have a face lift again this year and this time I will be traveling alone. I would never have done this before but I feel confident that the staff will help me through the surgery and recovery.

I would recommend GORGEOUS GETAWAYS for all the above reasons and have told all my family and friends how happy I am with the results.

It is nearly 12 months since I had the procedure and my breasts look and feel natural and FABULOUS!

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If you would like to speak to Rae or other clients please contact us at GORGEOUS GETAWAYS.