Profession: Scuba Instructor
Age: 47
Country: USA
Procedures: Breast Augmentation (Implant Replacement)
Cost of holiday: Approximately $6,000 USD inclusive of surgery, hospital stay, 4-star accommodation for 10 days; all care and transfers on the ground in Malaysia. Cost of just the treatments at home $12,000 USD+

With great new breasts of appropriate size, Sandra is thrilled that she made the change.

Before (First Implants)

After (Replaced Implants)

This is her story:

Not the best breasts
I decided to have surgery when living in Nicaragua. It seemed in 2 years time, my face and skin changed dramatically. People kept telling me how tired I looked. My skin was sagging. Wearing a bathing suit to work everyday didn’t make me feel very good. When my job ended suddenly I decided to have surgery as I had the time to recover. I had a facelift and breast augmentation in Nicaragua. I was very happy with my face but my breasts were too huge!!

I was back to being uncomfortable in my bathing suit as I was very disappointed with my face! I waited a year as I was told that it takes time to adjust. After a year, I was even more unhappy about my breasts. By this time, I was working in the South Pacific, so going back to my original doctor was not an option. 

I looked into doctors in Australia and even talked to friends that had the surgery in Australia but the prices were equal or more than the States! After a year of unemployment that wasn’t an option. So I started researching online. I found that GORGEOUS GETAWAYS had all the info I wanted and was quick to answer and explain everything I asked. They had lots of testimonials and people you could talk to if you wanted. Since I had surgery before I wasn’t very nervous. I did tell a few friends who were interested in surgery themselves.

Looking fabulous
I usually travel alone and have to say it was a pleasure to have all the arrangements made for me. To be picked up at the airport and for every appointment the GORGEOUS GETAWAYS staff were great! I had Dr Wong whom I liked. His surgery is in his office which I preferred and his staff were excellent. I was a little nervous but relaxed once I met the Dr and his staff. I was sore after but ok and was out of the office after a few hours.

I am a quick healer so I was up and about the next day. However, I listened to my Dr and made sure I didn’t move too much. I was prepared for my surgery as I made sure of my diet before, rested and watched my diet and activities after. After a few days I was up and exploring KL. Love the city and GORGEOUS GETAWAYS staff in KL. They were very helpful. At the end of my stay, I was ready to get back to work and felt confident.

I am now back in Nicaragua and my friends tell me I look great! My last younger boyfriend couldn’t believe I was 47!

I highly recommend GORGEOUS GETAWAYS, especially if you’ve never had surgery before. Go with a friend for extra comfort. GORGEOUS GETAWAYS makes it easy for you by researching the doctors and making all the arrangements. They have professional staff and great support. I have recommended GORGEOUS GETAWAYS to friends.

One thing – if you arrive in KL on Friday, remember to change money if your appointment is for Saturday morning. Also, make sure which credit cards your Dr takes.

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If you would like to speak to Sandra or other clients please contact us at GORGEOUS GETAWAYS.