Age: 34
Country: Australia
Procedures: Breast Lift with Augmentation, Inverted Nipple Correction, Vaginal Tightening, Bladder Sling
Cost of holiday: Approximately $13,700 inclusive of surgery, hospital stay, 4-star accommodation for 14 days; all care and transfers on the ground in Malaysia. Cost of just the treatments at home $45,000+

Shelley is thrilled with her new boobs and the fact that she doesn’t wet the floor anymore when she sneezes.



This is her story:

After having 5 children (all natural births), my breast size went from beautiful C cup then up to a huge DD Cup (thanks to my milk coming in) and then sadly to a small B Cup. I decided a long time ago after a visit to my wax lady (of all people) who told me about GORGEOUS GETAWAYS, that a breast lift and implant was for me. 

The cost of having such a procedure in Aust was fairly costly. I had put this operation on hold for years and as time went by, after my 4th and 5th babies, my pelvic floor muscles started to go, they didn’t quite bounce back the way I had hoped for. Things were a lot looser and this was very off putting and depressing to me. 

I was on the GORGEOUS GETAWAYS website, checking out the stories of clients for breast lifts. I searched high and low for stories on the vaginal tightening and bladder sling procedures and couldn’t find any. Which was disappointing because it was something I really wanted to find more information on and I couldn’t. 

So here I am, sharing my surgery journey with GORGEOUS GETAWAYS. 

Sick of saggy boobs that only looked good in a push up bra I sent off my email to GORGEOUS GETAWAYS for the quote. I had a friend who had a breast implants done in Australia, she told me it was $11,000 for the one operation. She was very happy with the job, but the price tag that came with it scared me away from any type of surgery in Australia. 

My quote came back at approx $15,000 Aust dollars, but this included Breast Lift, Breast Implant, Nipple Correction, Bladder Sling and Vaginal Tightening. 

Yes, 5 procedures for the price of one in Australia. WOW. To keep my costs down and allow for more spending money, I stayed at the Lanson Apartments which is a very comfortable 4 star hotel and not far from all you need with supermarkets literally around the corner and city shopping within a 20 minute walk. My friend and I walked into the city every day which was very good for our recovery as it got the blood circulating and it also kept us fit. 

The smallest attention to detail 
I dealt with Robynne in Australia whom was very helpful and answered all my questions and queries. It was reassuring to talk with an Australian staff member who herself has had work done and understands what the patient will go through. 

So with accommodation out of the way and flights booked, we were in Kuala Lumpur. Greeted at the arrivals gate by Mr Foo, a very well presented gentleman who spoke very good English and gave us a bit of commentary on the way into the city on all of the tourist sites we were passing. 

Check-in to Lanson Apartments was smooth and the room was very nice. We had a twin room with lounge and small kitchen. Breakfast was lovely and staff at the hotel always greeted you with a smile. 

We met with Jasmine, who was to be our customer service manager for our stay. Jasmine was lovely and down to earth, welcoming us with her beautiful smile. we went thru our schedules and found that I was to be checked in to Prince Court Medical Centre that night and my friend was to go in the following morning. As this was a bit of a shock and both of us being first timers to the whole surgery holiday thing, Jasmine organised that my friend stay the night with me at the centre so we would be together and comfortable. This is one of those little things that make such a big difference. 

We checked into the Prince Court Medical Centre, which looked like a resort hotel, they have a concierge to carry your bags to your room, which is very nice and comfortable, a far cry from any hospital room we have. The rooms are very comfortable. 

Nurses are amazing, so very friendly and caring always making sure that I was ok and comfortable. When I pressed my buzzer for help there was someone there with 1 min. Both of my doctors made me feel at ease and explained the procedures. 

For my breast procedures I had Dr Nasir, a very gentle man who is also very busy – my 3.30pm appointment didn’t happen till about 9pm. Even though it was late, Dr Nasir said he wanted to meet with me and have a quick look and will come back in the morning to do drawings and go over full procedures. 

Whenever there was need for examination there was always a second nurse as well. He has great bedside manners, and made me feel very comfortable. He asked what I would like done and all I said was to lift them back up again, pre baby boobs. Nothing too huge and nothing to small. The result I have is just perfect, I am very happy with my new set of beautiful boobs. 

Surgery wasn’t long, I was back in my room for dinner. However if you have had children, this is the best way to describe what I was feeling. When your milk comes in and you are totally engorged. All I could think of was cold cabbage leaves and why I couldn’t get any!!!! 

I was hooked up to a morphine machine which I tried only for a little while as it made me feel very nauseated. It was mind over matter, either have morphine and be feeling very sick and vomiting or tough it out. Vomiting was not my cup of tea so I toughed it out with the oral pain killer, paracetamol and good old sleeping tablets. 

My surgical entry was via my nipples, I was very happy with this idea as it meant no scars. I was a little worried after surgery as my engorged breasts made my nipples looked like the end of a polony sausage you would buy in the super market, hahaha. I put it to the back of my head and just kept thinking positively. After checking with my doctor, he reassured me that this is the ugly side of things. He was right. 

My second lot of procedures, which were carried out at the same time as my breast procedures were the vaginal tightening and bladder sling. I thought this would be the most painful and invasive surgery. The idea of stitches down there brings painful memories of childbirth. To my surprise this was the least of my worries, not that I had many worries to worry about. 

It was very ‘un’-invasive, my consult with Dr Suriza went well, I explained what was happening and how I was feeling about wetting myself every time I laughed, jumped, coughed or even heard running water. Also explaining the lack of feeling downstairs and no pelvic floor control. She was very good about it all and did her internal exam and explained what will happen and how things will feel. But it was pretty straight forward and something that I had wanted for more than 6 years. 

There was minimal pain after surgery, I was up and out of bed the next day, slowly but surely walking around was the best medicine for me. The stitches were there but not bothering me, everything looks really good and normal again. I have yet to test them, as I am being very very good and giving myself the full recovery I need, as I don’t want to have all the good work blown apart and be back at square one. 

GORGEOUS GETAWAYS or nothing else 
It has now been two months, and I am very very pleased with the results. My breast swelling is completely gone and the nipples have opened up and you cant even tell that there were stitches in the first place. 

My bladder sling is working, a few sneezes with fingers and legs crossed only to find there was no need. This was very reassuring. After my follow up appointments with both doctors, I was allowed to go home early which was great. 

Overall, I highly recommend GORGEOUS GETAWAYS for any surgical procedures you maybe thinking of. It was something I wanted to do for myself and my husband, as I felt sexy on the inside but not on the outside. Now, I look sexy on the outside now too !! 

GORGEOUS GETAWAYS puts the patient first, from the moment you land till you leave. You have personal nurses check you after you leave the hospital at your hotel, they help with dressings and medication making sure you are recovering well. You have lunches with other clients to swap stories. A driver to take you to and from all of your GORGEOUS GETAWAYS appointments, and if there are any last minute things you want done it can be arranged as well. Like my dentist treatment. Very good service as I am not a big fan of dentists!! 

I am very happy and satisfied with the outcome of all my procedures and recommend anyone interested in surgery to go with GORGEOUS GETAWAYS.

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If you would like to speak to Shelly or other clients please contact us at GORGEOUS GETAWAYS.