Age: 50
Country: Australia
Procedures: Breast Augmentation
Cost of holiday: Approximately $10,000, inclusive of surgery, hospital stay, 4-star accommodation for 14 days; all care and transfers on the ground in Malaysia. Cost of just the treatments at home $15,000+

Unhappy with her breasts, Nikki gave herself a long awaited 50th birthday present.



This is her story:

I had thought about having an augmentation for many years as I was unhappy with the shape of my breasts. I have had two children and have remained very fit but unfortunately it did not maintain my breast shape. My friend was also thinking about having some surgery done, and when she discovered GORGEOUS GETAWAYS, she suggested we go together. I paid for my own trip, it was a 50th birthday present to myself. I traveled with my friend, she flew to where I lived and we went overseas together.

I knew it would be the only way to achieve the look I wanted. I was pretty happy with the rest of my shape, just not my breasts. I had previously consulted with a local plastic surgeon before I made my decision. Cost was one reason plus I had worked in the local hospital and knew a lot of the staff there, so my surgery would not have gone unnoticed.

My friend did a lot of research into GORGEOUS GETAWAYS and passed on the information to me. It seemed a great option, have a holiday and catch up with my friend who I don’t get to see too often, and have the surgery done as well. I was nervous, especially on the way over when it started to become reality. I only told a few close friends and my daughters of my plans.

A lovely experience 
I found Dr Nasir very professional, informative and he understood the result I wanted to achieve. The hospital was just beautiful, five star and all of the staff were lovely. Helpful, caring, friendly and professional.

The GORGEOUS GETAWAYS staff were absolutely wonderful, nothing was too much trouble for them. They really looked after us well. I guess I didn’t really start to relax until about 5 days after the surgery. I certainly make a better nurse than patient. I was discharged the day after my surgery.

I was up early the next day, but took it pretty easy for the next couple of days. I had lots of saunas, rested when I needed to, in between all the walking that goes with shopping. We did lots of shopping, eating out, had massages, facials, pedicures all those nice things you never get time for.

Nothing really unusual happened, but I did lose my luggage on the way home. It turned up a couple of days later. I was looking forward to being back home. I had a brief stop over on the way back with my daughter, and to catch up with some friends, but I was really tired and just wanted to be back in my own environment.

Loving the new me 
I love my new look, and those that have seen the results are pretty impressed. I just feel better about my shape, great new assets. Most of my clothes still fit, just looks much better now and I don’t have to wear a bra all the time.

I was used to being very active and thought I would recover much quicker, thought I would be bouncing back in a couple of weeks. But the results have paid off, taking it easy and no problems. I think if you have given it considerable thought and it’s what you want, then do it.

GORGEOUS GETAWAYS made all the arrangements, looked after the transport for us, took us to the necessary appointments and just made sure things went as smoothly as possible. They were all both friendly and professional no matter what they did. I would have no hestitation in recommending them.

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If you would like to speak to Nikki or other clients please contact us at GORGEOUS GETAWAYS.