Bariatric Surgery & Remote Monitoring: The Paradigm Shift.  It is a reality that plenty of people in the world suffer from obesity despite their efforts of losing weight.  There are many options promoting immediate weight loss, from keto diets, to yoga exercises, and extreme exercise routines. However, sometimes they do not work at all.  This is the reason why nowadays, bariatric surgeons are on the rise offering minimally invasive surgeries which produce dramatic weight loss in a couple of months.  Let’s find out if these types of surgeries are the right fit for you.

What is Obesity?

According to Mayo Clinic, obesity is a “disease” due to excessive body fat. It is a medical condition that increases many health risks. As per the reasons behind obesity, they may be related to a variety of factors, whether inherited, psychological, or environmental factors.  Obesity is determined according to the BMI (Body Mass Index):

  • Obesity Class I: With a BMI of 31 to 34.9
  • Obesity Class II: With a BMI from 35 to 39.9
  • Obesity Class III: With a BMI above 40

When you suffer from obesity and your efforts of losing weight seem not to produce satisfactory results, you are a good candidate for bariatric surgery.

Types of Weight Loss Surgery

  • Restrictive Surgery – The goal of this bariatric and metabolic surgery is to shrink the stomach.  It will immediately slow your digestion process.   No more cravings. You will feel full after one ounce of food. Procedures: Sleeve Gastrectomy, Lap Band
  • Restrictive/Malabsorptive Surgery – The goal of this type of surgery is to reduce the size of the stomach and reroute the intestine.  The body will have less nutrient absorption which means more weight loss.  In order to compensate, you will need to take vitamin/mineral supplements to stay healthy. Procedures: Gastric Bypass, Biliopancreatic Diversion with Duodenal Switch

Gastric Bypass & Sleeve Gastrectomy: A cure for Type 2 Diabetes

  • Gastric Bypass – Also known as Roux-en-Y and is considered the Gold Standard in Bariatric & Metabolic surgery. It helps the intestines of diabetes patients get rid of excess glucose. After a gastric bypass, the intestine becomes the most important tissue for glucose use and this decreases blood sugar levels.”
  • Sleeve Gastrectomy – It is very popular because it also improves type 2 diabetes, independent of weight loss.  This procedure is performed by removing approximately 80% of the stomach.  Significant weight loss is quick and produces favorable changes in gut hormones that suppress hunger.

Virtual Health Coach – Remote Monitoring

After surgery, most likely you will have a 6-month support program with your bariatric surgeon.  It may include nutrition and exercise tips, as well as psychological guidance if needed.   Your body will go through significant changes when you start losing weight very quickly, and you will be supported every step of the way.  On the other hand, an innovative and integral part of your post-care support is our Wearable Monitoring Device, with next-gen technology specially designed for remote patients.

The Monitoring Device resembles a comfortable watch and monitors all your biometrics, as well as sleep patterns. And rest assured that your health information is protected by HIPAA rules, meaning that it is strictly confidential.  When you regularly measure your biometrics, you can learn all about your body and improve your health. And the best part is that the device can be connected to other fitness and health devices.   For example, the monitoring device tracks and analyses the following:

  • Blood Pressure (without an inflatable cuff)
  • ECG & PPG
  • Oxygen Saturation
  • Pulse Wave Velocity
  • Heart Rate
  • Heart Rate Variability
  • Activity Levels
  • Calories Burned
  • And more

With this in mind, are you ready for an exciting and memorable bariatric journey?

Request your Cosmetic Firmquote™

Go to our Patient Plus+ App; click on pre-departure and request your firmquote. Once you have filled in your medical history, we will forward your complete file to our Surgeons and will come back with a tailor-made quote for you. We also invite you to browse our Standard Price List on our website or just download our App available for Android and Apple.  You can also join our New Community where you can chat with us.

Earn High Interest on Your Savings

Our Patients Savings Plan offers you interest from 5% to 7% on your deposited savings towards any procedure in any of our preferred destinations.   And it also includes recovery homes and guest houses that are part of the program.  So if you do not have a destination yet in mind, or are still unsure of your surgery date, you can start earning interest from now on. Go ahead and fill in your request: Click Here.

Contact Us

For any further questions or comments, please feel free to leave us a note.  Or you may contact us directly:

  • Paty – Destination Manager for America, Europe, Middle East –
  • Victoria – Destination Manager for Asia & Australia –
  • Melanie – Customer Care Team Lead –