Meet Dr. Ali Can Gunenc in Istanbul, Turkey
Meet Dr. Ali Can Gunenc in Istanbul Turkey. He is a high skilled Aesthetic, Reconstructive and Plastic Surgeon, with plenty of experience and happy patients
Meet Dr. Gulsum Cebi in Istanul, Turkey
Meet Dr. Gulsum Cebi in Istanbul, Turkey ! Dr. Cebi has 7+ experience working with international patients from around he world. She is member ofÂ
Meet Dr. Cesar Padilla in Málaga, Spain
Meet Dr. Cesar Padilla in Málaga, Spain!  He is the Head of Plastic, Aesthetic and Reconstructive Surgery in world-class hospital: QuirónSalud Málaga in Spain.  Originally
Worry-Free Travel – US Officially Drops Testing Rule
Worry-Free Travel - US Oficially Drops Testing Rule Effective June 12th, 2022, you can enjoy Worry-Free Travel! The US officially drops "Testing Rule" for all
Turkey Lifts All Restrictions, Effective June 1st, 2022
Turkey lifts all restrictions! Effective June 1st, 2022. This spectacular country welcomes again all travelers from around the world. And this means everyone, regardless their
What is the Best Choice? Facelift or Thread Lift?
These are very good questions. What is the best choice for you? A Facelift or a Thread Lift? Both procedures have benefits improving the visible
$50 Gift Card – Start Your Medical Savings Plan
Start Your Medical Savings Plan - before July 1st (with as little as $50 down) and get a $50 dollar gift card.  The
Plastic Surgery & Hotel Package in Istanbul, Turkey!
Click Here to Get Your 10% Off !!  Offer valid from May 1st - 31st, 2022 - All Destinations & All Procedures !!!  Are
Morri’s Cosmetic Journey in Guadalajara, Mexico
Click Here to Get Your 10% Off !!  Offer valid from May 1st - 31st, 2022 - All Destinations & All Procedures !!!  Morri's
Kareem’s Gorgeous Getaway in Guadalajara Mexico
Kareem's Gorgeous Getaway in Guadalajara, Mexico was a success. Ae is a very cool person and contacted us because ae was very interested in having