Bariatric Surgery in Bangkok, Thailand

Customer Name: Kael Sangnam
Age: 37 Years
Initial Weight: 90 kg
Height: 161 cm
BMI: 34.7
Operation Date: March 5, 2024
Procedure: Gastric Sleeve
Surgeon: Dr. Ratchamon P.
Location: Bangkok, Thailand

My Background:

At 37 years old, I had reached a point where my weight was seriously affecting my health. With a BMI of 34.7, I dealt with sleep apnea, shortness of breath, and persistent back pain every day. Despite trying various methods to manage my weight, these issues persisted, making it difficult to enjoy life fully. I realized that my weight was the root of these problems, so I decided to take control of my health by undergoing a gastric sleeve procedure.

The Procedure:

On March 5, 2024, I underwent a gastric sleeve procedure performed by Dr. Ratchamon P. at Pat Ransit Hospital in Bangkok, Thailand. During the surgery, Dr. Ratchamon reduced the size of my stomach, which significantly limited my food intake and kickstarted my weight loss journey. The operation went smoothly, and I felt closely supported throughout my recovery process.

Post-Operative Progress:

In just five months after the surgery, I lost 30 kg, bringing my weight down to 60 kg and reducing my BMI to 23.1. The transformation was incredible. My back pain disappeared completely, and I no longer experienced sleep apnea, allowing me to sleep peacefully through the night.

The surgery had minimal impact on my daily life. I didn’t feel any pain from the surgical wounds, and they healed quickly. I was able to walk and perform light activities even while still in the hospital, which sped up my recovery. The five small incisions on my abdomen healed rapidly, leaving only minimal scars.

Remote Patient Monitoring:

To ensure that I stayed on track after the surgery, I enrolled in Taqtik Health’s Remote Patient Monitoring (RPM) program. This program me to monitor my progress closely, tracking my vital signs, weight, and overall well-being in real-time. I felt incredibly supported, knowing that Taqtik Health were always keeping an eye on my recovery. As I often say,

“The Remote Patient Monitoring has been a game-changer for me. Knowing that I can monitor my progress gives me peace of mind. It’s reassuring to have that level of care, even after leaving the hospital.”

Feedback and Outlook:

Reflecting on my experience, I couldn’t be happier with the results. I initially decided to undergo this surgery to address my sleep apnea and back pain. After losing weight from 90 kg to 60 kg, my back pain disappeared, and my sleep issues are completely resolved. My doctor mentioned that the first six months after the surgery are the golden period for weight loss, and I might reach my final weight of around 50-55 kg. That’s truly amazing, and I’m excited to continue on this path.

My journey demonstrates the life-changing potential of bariatric surgery, especially when paired with a commitment to a healthier lifestyle and the support of advanced tools like Remote Patient Monitoring. Choosing a skilled surgical team and receiving comprehensive care from Gorgeous Getaways made all the difference in my recovery and success.


My case is a testament to how effective gastric sleeve surgery can be in addressing obesity-related health issues and improving overall quality of life. With the support of Gorgeous Getaways, Dr. Ratchamon P., and the Taqtik Health RPM program, I achieved significant weight loss and saw a dramatic improvement in my health. As I continue this journey, I remain optimistic about reaching my target weight and maintaining my newfound well-being.

Additional Resources: