How to request a cosmetic surgery quote is easy. Our standard price list is an accurate guideline for you to know the approximate costs of surgery.   But, if you are planning to travel in the next couple of months, then we strongly suggest to request your fimquote.  Your firmquote will contain tailor-made pricing, as well as the surgeons feedback on your specific case.  Once you have your firmquote, you can book your surgery date and secure your price.

Am I a good candidate for cosmetic surgery ?

Remember that once you submit your firmquote request, you will be approved as a candidate for cosmetic surgery when your BMI (Body Mass Index) does not exceed 30.   While some Surgeons are a little more flexible and accept candidates with higher BMI, most of them will advise you to loose weight before you can have surgery done, in order to obtain the best results.   Cosmetic Surgeons are all about art, and they will make everything in their power to make you become more attractive, sexy and beautiful.

Your goal is to become the very best version of yourself, and we at GORGEOUS GETAWAYS are committed to guide you every step of the way.  We have carefully chosen our high skilled Surgeons around the world, and many of them double or triple board certified in different countries.

What information do I need to submit ?

All Surgeons ask for the patient’s medical history and photos to in order to make an accurate assessment of their case. The medical history must be as complete as possible and photos must be clear, in focus, with no shadows and taken as close as possible.  Remember that all our servers comply with HIPAA and all your information is secured and absolutely confidential.

How do I take the photos ?

You should be in a standing position with your arms by the sides, and taken at a direct angle (not from above looking down or from below looking up).  In all required poses stand in front of a plain wall, with good lighting.   No garments worn over the area you wish to have surgery.  For Facial photos, ensure your hair is pulled back off your face and remove any glasses.  Also avoid makeup.


Many surgeons offer a complimentary teleconsultation for approved candidates in order to address concerns, doubts or questions.  This is a great tool for you and for the surgeon to know exactly what your expectations are, and your desired outcome.

Request your Cosmetic Firmquote™

If you are planning to have your cosmetic surgery done in the next couple of months, go ahead and request your firmquote: Click Here.   It will include your medical history and photos. We will forward your complete file to our Surgeons and will come back with their feedback and a taylor-made quote for you.   We also invite you to check our Standard Price List in our website or just download our App available for Android and Apple.  You can also join our New Community where you can chat with any of us.

Request your Dental Firmquote™

If you would like to combine your cosmetic surgery with dental treatments, you just need to fill in your medical history and upload your panoramic x-rays and photos.   In the next couple of days we will provide you with a taylor-made quote and the Surgeons feedback.  Go ahead and Click Here

Earn High Interest on Your Savings

Our Patients Savings Plan offers you an interest from 5% to 7% on your deposited savings towards any procedure in any of our preferred destinations!   And it also includes recovery homes and guest houses that are part of the program.  So if you do not have yet a destination in mind, or are still unsure of your surgery date, you can start earning interests from now on. Go ahead and fill your request: Click Here.

Reward Yourself with our Affiliate Program

We are very happy to offer all our members the opportunity to earn gift cards and learn about this amazing industry. Our Affiliate Program not only rewards you for referring others to Gorgeous Getaways.  It also provides a long-term program to help you develop your own skills. To get started all you have to do is sign up: Click Here You do not need to be a medical travel expert, so go for it !

Contact Us

For any further qustions or comments, please feel free to leave us a note.  Or you may contact us directly:

  • Paty – Destination Manager for America & Europe –
  • Victoria – Destination Manager for Asia & Australia –
  • Melanie – Customer Care –