Click Here to Get Your 10% Off !!   Offer valid from

May 1st – 31st, 2022 – All Destinations & All Procedures !!!


Morri’s Cosmetic Journey in Guadalajara, Mexico was perfect. She was looking for an amazing surgeon who could remove her keloid scars from previous surgeries.  And right after her complimentary teleconsultation with Dr. Ruben Agredano, she knew that he was the right fit.  Morri also decided to stay at the wonderful Contour Recovery House.  She arrived the very first day before her surgery! And all her transportation, laboratoy tests, and appointments were perfectly organized.  She had a nothing but a worry-free experience every step of the way!

Soon we will upload her videotestimonial!


Key Factors for Minimizing Scarring After Cosmetic Surgery

Anita’s Cosmetic Journey in Guadalajara, Mexico

Twinkle’s Exciting Journey in Guadalajara, Mexico

Takita’s Cosmetic Adventure in Guadalajara, Mexico

Kendra’s Cosmetic Holiday in Guadalajara, Mexico

Christian’s Cosmetic Adventure in Guadalajara, Mexico

Tiffany’s Cosmetic Getaway In Guadalajara, Mexico

Karen’s Second Getaway in Puerto Vallarta, México

Kareem’s Gorgeous Getaway in Guadalajara, Mexico


Request your Firmquote™

Go ahead and request your firmquote now: Click Here.   It will include your medical history and photos. We will forward your complete file to our Surgeons and will come back with their feedback and a tailor-made quote for you.   We also invite you to check our Standard Price List in our website or just download our App available for Android and Apple.  You can also join our New Community where you can chat with us about how to get 10% off your dream surgery, so you can book now!

Earn High Interest on Your Savings

Our Patients Savings Plan offers you an interest from 5% to 7% on your deposited savings towards any procedure in any of our preferred destinations!   And it also includes recovery homes and guest houses that are part of the program.  So if you do not have yet a destination in mind, or are still unsure of your surgery date, you can start earning interests from now on. Go ahead and fill your request: Click Here.

Reward Yourself with our Affiliate Program

We are very happy to offer all our members the opportunity to earn gift cards and learn about this amazing industry. Our Affiliate Program not only rewards you for referring others to Gorgeous Getaways.  It also provides a long-term program to help you develop your own skills. To get started all you have to do is sign up: Click Here You do not need to be a medical travel expert, so go for it !

Contact Us

For any further qustions or comments, please feel free to leave us a note.  Or you may contact us directly:

  • Paty – Destination Manager for America & Europe –
  • Victoria – Destination Manager for Asia & Australia –
  • Melanie – Customer Care –