Cosmetic surgery is evolving as a concept every day.  It is a 21st century commodity easily accessible to the wider population. Undergoing this kind of surgery is no longer a rare luxury.  It represents a worthwhile investment for those interested in reversing the effects of ageing.  However, some people are still going through a moral debate.  ¿ Is it all right to play with nature ? It seems that each individual is free to provide their own answer.  Looking gorgeous is no longer reserved only for celebrities !

Cosmetic Surgery vs. Makeup

There is always the question mark about altering your look surgically vs. altering your look with makeup.  Primers and foundations along with shadows and lipstick can actually change someone’s appearance.  However, all these cannot provide the long lasting results of Facial Rejuvenation.  Makeup enhances your own beauty.  Cosmetic Surgery takes 15 years away in the blink of an eye. You will look younger and feel better than ever.  While both principles serve the same purpose of making you look amazing, they are two completely different concepts.

Societal Expectations of Beauty

The popularity of cosmetic surgery may be attributed to an obsession with physical appearance.  It is a fact that societal standards of beauty stand for youth around the globe.  Physical attractiveness is widely seen as synonymous of health, youth, energy and wealth.  Beautiful breasts, tight skin and full lips are admired among many other physical attributes. A contoured body and defined facial features have been considered the expression of beauty by artists of all times in their eternal quest for symetry and simplicity.

The Halo Effect

The Halo Effect is product of our subconcious positive response to physical attractiveness.  It is a form of cognitive bias in which the brain allows specific traits to positively influence the general overview of a person, object or idea. This effect establishes that people who are seen as attractive, are being treated differently.  A person with a “halo” is considered to have positive traits such as intelligence, competence, etc.  Therefore, it is natural to conclude that people choose to enhance their looks in order to reap the benefits of popularity.

Emotional Wellness

While being perceived as attractive is irrelevant to happiness and self-esteem, perceiving yourself as attractive contributes greatly to self-confidence and a sense of wellness.  ¿ Were you aware of this ?  People would opt for cosmetic surgery not to be better liked by others, but for their own personal reasons.  They want to be better liked by themselves and to meet own personal standards of beauty. Undergoing cosmetic surgery is all about self-perception and emotional wellness.

A Better Version of Yourself

It has been demonstrated how a positive attitude towards surgery contributes to a positive outcome.  Realistic expectations together with a wellness mindset will turn your life around.  You will feel happy altering a part of your body for your own pleasure and self-esteem.  Your emotional status will improve along with a sense of accomplishment.  Nothing can compare to look amazing and feeling confident in your own skin.  You will be a better version of yourself.

Requesting your Cosmetic Firmquote™

If you are planning to have your cosmetic surgery done in the next couple of months, go ahead and request your firmquote: Click Here.   It will include your medical history and photos. We will forward your complete file to our Surgeons in order to  obtain their feedback and a taylor-made quote for you.   We also invite you to check our Standard Price List in our website or just download our App available for Android and Apple.  You can also Join Our Community where you can chat with any of us.

Requesting your Dental Firmquote™

If you would like to combine your cosmetic surgery with dental treatments, you just need to fill in your medical history and upload your panoramic x-rays and photos.   In the next couple of days we will provide you with a taylor-made quote and the Surgeons feedback.  Go ahead and Click Here

Reward Yourself with our Affiliate Program

We are very happy  to offer all our members the opportunity to earn income and learn about this amazing industry. Our Affiliate Program (Level 1) not only rewards you for referring others to Gorgeous Getaways.  It also provides a long-term program to help you develop your own skills to become a consultant, or promote your own business. To get started all you have to do is promote our site and link with whoever you like: Click Here You do not need to be a medical travel expert or answer any direct questions.  So go for it !

Contact Us

For any further qustions or comments, please feel free to leave us a note.  Or you may contact us directly:

  • Paty – Destination Manager for America & Europe –
  • Victoria – Destination Manager for Thailandia, Malaysia & Australia –
  • Melanie – Customer Care Manager /Affiliate Program –