dirWhat are the key factors to get the best plastic surgery results ?  Well, that is an important question.  While the Cosmetic Surgeons work to the best of their abilities to achieve amazing results in the OR, you also need to play your part after surgery.  The recovery period is of utmost importance to ensure that your body is properly healing, and as fast as possible.  Then it comes the four-six month period at home, when you need to follow all the post care recommendations.   And believe it or not, for some patients all this endeavor may become a real challenge.

Key Factors to Get the Best Plastic Surgery Results

  • Choose the right Cosmetic Surgeon – You need to meet your surgeon, and that can be easily done with a teleconsultation.  Otherwise you are defiitely flying blind.  If there is no chemistry between you two, the close relationship that you are about to start, may not be as successful as it should be.
  • Express your needs and expectations – Your Cosmetic Surgeon needs to be perfectly aware of your needs and expectations.  If you want to look like a 30-year old woman, just say so.  Do not refrain yourself when it comes to express what you want and expect of surgery.
  • Listen carefully to your Cosmetic Surgeon – Listening to the Specialist may be a difficult part to play.  He/She may tell you that your expectations are not realistic, or that some other procedure needs to be added in order to achieve the results that you are looking for.   Just remember that a reputable Cosmetic Surgeon will always give you an honest opinion about your case.
  • Stay in the exotic destination for as long as it is recommended – If your Cosmetic Surgeon recommends a 10-night stay, it is for a reason. Your body needs to rest, eat well and recover from the surgery.  Flying away after 5 days of your surgery will most likely produce and unwanted outcome.  Remember that you can leave as soon as your drains and stitches are removed by your Cosmetic Surgeon.  He/She will decide if you are fit to travel back home.  Otherwise, your results may be compromised.
  • Wear the compression garments – This may feel a little uncomfortable at the beginning.  But, this garment will ensure the 80% of successful results.  If you have bandages in your face, you do want to take them off.  It is very important to be patient and follow the instructions.
  • Take a bath when your Cosmetic Surgeon gives you the ok – You may want to take a bath right after you go back to your hotel.  Go ahead and ask your Surgeon if it is the right time to do so.  In most cases you will need help of your companion, nurse or your cosmetic surgeon.
  • Start walking – This may sound absolutely outrageous for some patients.  Just remember that your are not sick, so staying in bed for a week is not an option.  Walking improves circulation and many other important functions, and that is what your body needs to speed up its recovery. Start with baby steps in your room, and soon you will feel confortable walking larger distances.
  • Be careful with the drains and stitches – You may feel unpatient after a few days of carrying the drains.  But do not dispair.  If you feel unconfortable, or you are in pain, inform your Cosmetic Surgeon immediately. Just do not pull them off under any circumstance.  The same applies with the stitches.  He/She will remove them when it is necessary to do so.
  • Speak up if you are in pain – It is important that you inform your Surgeon immediately if you are in pain.  Usually antibiotics and painkillers will keep you from feeling any pain. But if you feel unconfortable, there is no need for you to keep quite and suffer during your recovery.
  • Stay away from the direct sun, the pool and the sea – This may sound silly, but it is of paramount importance to comply with this when you are in an exotic destination.  Do not expose the parts of your body or face that ae healing to high temperatures, sea water, pool water and direct sun. Just wear a hat if necessary.
  • No Smoking & Drinking – Smoking is your worst enemy during recovery.  Nicotine affects the healing process of the body, and you do not need adverse events during your recovery period. Drinking will minimize the effect of the antibiotics, so it is not recommended at all.
  • Contact Us – Your Destination Manager is your ally.  If you feel that your needs are not properly addressed by your cosmetic surgeon, or his/her patient coordinators, during your recrecovery period, let us know immediately.

Back at Home – The Next 4-6 Months

The real outcome of your cosmetic surgery will be certainly seen after 4-6 months of your surgery.  And in some cases, it may take 8-12 months.  Your body is a self-healing organism and will work to the best of its abilities to recover if you give it what it needs to flourish after surgery.   You are the only one responsible to ensure that the results of your surgery are as successful as possible.  Love your body as much as you can, and follow your post care instructions to the letter.  A healthy diet, light excersise and a good mood will work wonders.

And you will be more than happy every time you look in the mirror!  So whenever you are ready, go ahead and start making plans to look better than ever before.


Key Factors for Minimize Scarring After Cosmetic Surgery

Recovery After Your Plastic Surgery

Nursing Recovery Support


Request your Cosmetic Firmquote™

If you are planning to have your cosmetic surgery done in the next couple of months, go ahead and request your firmquote: Click Here.   It will include your medical history and photos. We will forward your complete file to our Surgeons and will come back with their feedback and a taylor-made quote for you.   We also invite you to check our Standard Price List in our website or just download our App available for Android and Apple.  You can also join our New Community where you can chat with us about the key factors to get the best plastic surgery results.

Request your Dental Firmquote™

If you would like to combine your cosmetic surgery with dental treatments, you just need to fill in your medical history and upload your panoramic x-rays and photos.   In the next couple of days we will provide you with a taylor-made quote and the Surgeons feedback.  Go ahead and Click Here

Earn High Interest on Your Savings

Our Patients Savings Plan offers you an interest from 5% to 7% on your deposited savings towards any procedure in any of our preferred destinations!   And it also includes recovery homes and guest houses that are part of the program.  So if you do not have yet a destination in mind, or are still unsure of your surgery date, you can start earning interests from now on. Go ahead and fill your request: Click Here.

Reward Yourself with our Affiliate Program

We are very happy to offer all our members the opportunity to earn gift cards and learn about this amazing industry. Our Affiliate Program not only rewards you for referring others to Gorgeous Getaways.  It also provides a long-term program to help you develop your own skills. To get started all you have to do is sign up: Click Here You do not need to be a medical travel expert, so go for it !

Contact Us

For any further qustions or comments, please feel free to leave us a note.  Or you may contact us directly:

  • Paty – Destination Manager for America & Europe – paty@gorgeousgetaways.com
  • Victoria – Destination Manager for Asia & Australia – victoria@gorgeousgetaways.com
  • Melanie – Customer Care – melanie@gorgeousgetaways.com