Why Traveling Abroad in a Pandemic World? It is 1.5 years now that the whole world suffered the lockdown.  Weeks of uncertainty when nobody knew what was going to happen next.  However, a few months later, some countries opened its borders, but some others are still strugging with  too many requirements to enter.   And in the worst case, many people still cannot leave their countries, or even worst, they cannot return without doing the mandatory quarantine.  Despite all this, travelers have not cease to fly to different destinations that offer what they are looking for.

A Virtual World

Living in a pandemic world has come with the rising of video calls, conferences, meetings and even parties ! Virtual Tourism has also become very popular, where you can go online and enjoy guided excursions inside cathedrals and other wonderful scenarios, from the confort of your home ! But no matter how easy communicating nowadays has become, there are many of us that do not settle for this.  And in every story there are adventurers that will push to break the barriers.  Humans are designed to interact with each other, and that is a fact.

Post-Covid Tourism

This is the new normal term for people who have broken the barrier of fear.  They continue traveling for medical purposes, wellness, vacation, or professional matters.   Even though there are bans, restrictions, temperature monitoring and mask mandates, this new kind of tourism has found their way to continue traveling throughout different countries.  It is a fact that their goals are much more important than staying at home.  And another very important reason to travel is visiting friends and family ! Humans are designed to interact with each other.

Traveling for Medical Purposes

Traveling abroad for cosmetic surgery procedures has been non-stop since some countries like Mexico and Dominican Republic opened its doors last year.  These two countries along with Jamaica, Maldives and Dubai have been receiving thousands of travelers and hundreds of flights per day.  So do not let the new normal virtual world to stop you from making your dreams come true.  The advantage is that Mexico and Dominican Republic are very easy on requirements, and you do not need to be vaccinated to be accepted as a candidate for surgery !

And on top of that, you will get absolutely affordable prices with magnificent surgeons and world-class hospitals. So go for it!


Our Services in Mexico and Dominican Republic

Why Cosmetic Surgery Overseas Is So Popular Despite the Pandemic


Requesting your Cosmetic Firmquote™

If you are planning to have your cosmetic surgery done in the next couple of months, go ahead and request your firmquote: Click Here.   It will include your medical history and photos. We will forward your complete file to our Surgeons in order to  obtain their feedback and a taylor-made quote for you.   We also invite you to check our Standard Price List in our website or just download our App available for Android and Apple.  You can also join our New Community where you can chat with any of us.

Requesting your Dental Firmquote™

If you would like to combine your cosmetic surgery with dental treatments, you just need to fill in your medical history and upload your panoramic x-rays and photos.   In the next couple of days we will provide you with a taylor-made quote and the Surgeons feedback.  Go ahead and Click Here

Earn High Interest on Your Savings

Our Patients Savings Plan offers you an interest from 5% to 7% on your deposited savings towards any procedure in any of our preferred destinations.   And it also includes recovery homes and guest houses that are part of the program.  So if you do not have a destination yet in mind, or are still unsure of your surgery date, you can start earning interests from now on. Go ahead and fill your request: Click Here.

Contact Us

For any further qustions or comments, please feel free to leave us a note.  Or you may contact us directly:

  • Paty – Destination Manager for America, Europe, Middle East – paty@gorgeousgetaways.com
  • Victoria – Destination Manager for Asia & Australia – victoria@gorgeousgetaways.com
  • Melanie – Customer Care Team Lead – melanie@gorgeousgetaways.com